Sadiq Samani 2.0: March 11, 2014

March 6, 2014 |
By Sadiq Samani

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Change is inevitable. I personally enjoy it. I feel like a piece of software that gets updates with bug fixes and new features.

The last few years of comedy have been a fun and educational ride, with a bunch of those incremental bug fixes and features added to my arsenal. They were the beginning years. I was learning to crawl. Learning how to “be” on stage, how to use the mic, where to put the stand, how to control the audience, timing, voice, and a whole slew of technical tricks that most assume are just inherited by stand up comics when we step on stage. I also had the chance to perform in over 30 cities throughout the US & Canada.

Sadiq is maturing, and I’m not the same as I used to be. Over the last several months I made a decision to upgrade myself from 1.0 to 2.0. The New (York) Sadiq. I was getting tired of my material, site, etc. They didn’t represent my current point of view. So I threw it all away, took out a blank slate and started creating again.

I’m redoing everything. I’ve been working on a brand new website, photoshoot, marketing material, and, of course, a brand new set. Though the new material won’t be showcased for another month, I’m excited to inform you that my new website is set to launch on March 11th, 2014.

So mark the date, as change is coming, and I’m extremely excited for you to be a part of it.

Another Story By Me:  We Need Women

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