One or the Other

October 16, 2012 |

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Romney won the debate last week, if you consider delusional rhetoric as winning. Obama won the debate last week if you consider facts as winning. The only loser was the American public.

Did we really lose? I watched an hour and a half of questions, answers and rebuttals going back and forth between the candidates of the Democratic and Republican parties, moderated by Jim Lehrer. Questions that adhered to the strict guidelines of the Commission of Presidential Debates (CPD) a “non-partisan” committee which was formed in 1987 by……the Democratic and Republican parties. The same commission that chooses who can participate in the debate. They’ve had the same parties representing us, for almost 30 years!

Did we really lose? As my roommate and I searched for a place to watch the debate, we passed by restaurants, bars, and other venues for numerous blocks and every TV was turned to baseball, with not a care by any of the patrons to have the channels switched to something a lot more important, and a lot less boring. Yes, two people talking is a lot less boring than baseball. Along the way to finding the spot we landed at, we only found one other place that was playing the debate, a fast food falafel shop. The only reason being that the owner was an immigrant and he wanted to participate in an electoral process that doesn’t exist in his country of origin.

Did we really lose? The room full of New Yorkers cheered for Obama because they were supporters, and every time Romney spewed his fictional tales, they poked fun and booed, making it difficult for me to hear. I understand the deceit presented by Romney, but this attitude among the group showed that partisanship is on both sides. I’m independent (I’m writing myself in on the ballot for my first time voting). Even though, if at gun point, I would favor Obama, I also like to hear arguments from all (both) sides. To boo the other side, regardless of their ludicrous claims, is no different than being like the side booing about people receiving preventative healthcare. Especially since Obama is just incrementally “better” than Romney and not a real revolutionary. That’s like booing Rice Krispies because you like Cocoa Krispies.

Another Story By Me:  Slut, Whore, Cunt

Did we really lose? The bar projected the video live through YouTube and every 10 minutes it would have to come to a halt and buffer the content because the internet connection in America is 12th in the world. We were the first ones to go public with the internet! I’ve been using the net as early as it was accessible, when calling it the “net” was hip. I was on 14.4kbps. You had to endure listening to screeching sounds just to communicate with others in an AOL chatroom. Even though it seems slow, we were ahead of the game for a very long time and now, we lag behind numerous countries. Also,  Education – Reading: 14th, Math: 25th, Science: 17th. Healthcare – 37th. These things matter, not bombing people: 1st.

Our empire has been resting on it’s laurels since Jimmy Carter was President. If we had listened to him, we would’ve been on Mars 30 years ago. Personally, I’m not convinced the American public gets it yet. With half of the country, according to the polls, still in favor of “Mitt Romney”, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was elected to return us to the days of trickle down deficits and more wars.

If America can not only elect, but after four years of disastrous policies, reelect George W. Bush, it wouldn’t phase me that we would continue riding the downward spiral of American policies. Yes, we did lose.

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