Into The Depths Of My Colon

April 28, 2016 |
By Sadiq Samani

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Going through a medical procedure is the worst. This is my third time doing a colonoscopy and it’s my fourth time going through a procedure like this, if you count me having an endoscopy. It’s routine, don’t worry, but it still sucks and is very stressful. I’m not looking forward to having an IV needle penetrated through my skin. Last time I almost fainted. I HATE NEEDLES!!!

I have to go through a huge list of to-dos several days prior to the colonoscopy, like stopping the use of any supplements with iron or not eating any nuts or seeds. I’ve also been fasting for the last day and I’m so hungry I have flies circling around my head.

Once I started fasting I had to take medications that empty out my digestive tract. I have my pillow and iPad setup in the bathroom because that’s where I’ve spent most of my time. I’ve been in the bathroom more in the last day than I have in the last month. Though, I was in a Ulcerative Colitis flare a year ago and had no control over my bowel movements, so I shouldn’t complain too much. Unless if you feel sorry for me and wanna give me free things or a massage. I need a massage. And a pizza. Vegan cheese though, because I’m lactose intolerant. I miss cheese. Deep dish pizza. Giordano’s. YUM. ????

I’m writing this because I feel we all need to be educated about our healthcare process and it’s a way to acknowledge how lucky I am to even have quality, affordable healthcare in this country. It makes me sad that there are other Americans living in the most wealthiest country in the world that would be in debt if they had Ulcerative Colitis or another debilitating disease.

Another Story By Me:  Down With the Sickness

I have access to quality healthcare now, at a huge cost, but I remember when I was young and afraid to get sick. I was reluctant to see a doctor because I was afraid of how much it was going to cost. I’ve come a long way, and I’ve earned enough income to support myself with healthcare, but I’m embarrassed as an American, knowing that others don’t have the right to care while my tax money goes off to fund wars. I also worry about my family members who may not be able to afford this or that what if, one day, I lose everything and I cannot access the medical care I need. I do have a life-long disease after all.

I’ve been talking about this issue for so long that I can’t even remember when I started. Every time I go to see a doctor I think about the countless humans not having this right because a few capitalistic entities want to profit off of our misery. It’s a shame, but I have a tiny feeling of hope that humans, especially Americans, will wake up and demand that our needs are met.

Off to the hospital.

Have you gone through a medical procedure like this before? What’s your healthcare status? Feel free to share in the comments below.

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