Evolution Tour

September 24, 2010 |
By Sadiq Samani

Show Your Friends:

Denver: Sep 27th – 28th
Salt Lake City: Sep 29th
San Francisco: Sep 30th – Oct 5th
Los Angeles: Oct 6th – 10th
San Diego: Oct 11th – 13th
Tuscon: Oct 14th
Phoenix: Oct 15th – 17th
Austin: Oct 19th – 21st
Dallas: Oct 22nd – 24th

Most people think that once you declare that you are a stand-up comedian you’re automatically supposed to be funny in any given situation. They all have it wrong. It takes years of hard work to develop the skills to identify with all types of audiences and make them pee in their pants while laughing uncontrollably.

Theory is that it takes 10,000 hours of practice in a specific field to get to that point. Unfortunately for comedians, we don’t realize we want to go into this profession till we’re adults and have to have day jobs to support us. Unlike sports players, writers, and other professions, we don’t get an early start. There weren’t many classes that were accessible to teach us how to be a comedian as a kid. Then again I didn’t know I wanted to be a comedian till I was 26.

Yup, I started comedy in January of 2009 and though I’m funny, I have so much more to learn. One of the toughest parts of comedy is that the meaning of funny changes depending on whom you talk to. What people may find funny in Chicago may not be funny in San Francisco or Montreal or Afghanistan. Actually, I’d probably get my head cut off for telling jokes in Afghanistan. More like both of my heads.

Another Story By Me:  Eat an Apple, Save Money

Hence why I am going on an adventure through nine cities in one month to earn my way on to the next level of comedy. My goal is to do at least 20 sets, whether they may be at a comedy club, local showcase, dive bar or open mic. I just want to evolve. (If you are a booker reading this, hook it up!)

So if you’re in one of those cities, please keep a look out for dates of shows. Not every set has been finalized, but once it is it will be posted on my shows & appearances page. I will put up as much information as I can. Remember though, the main point is for me to grow. So if you are available and can come out, then come out. Though I do understand that this is all on the fly and it may not fit your schedule.

Regardless, I at least have dates of when I will be in those cities listed above, even if all the sets aren’t finalized. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you for all your support on my long journey ahead.

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