I Don’t Hate U Just Islam and T Koran
April 16, 2014 |
By Sadiq Samani
April 16, 2014 |
By Sadiq Samani
I have a username on Twitter which is my first name (sadiq), but I don’t access it because my official handle for all social media is @sadiqsamani (feel free to follow). However, every several months I’ll get an e-mail from Twitter that someone tweeted at the unused account, which ends up being a robot spamming me or writing gibberish. I continue to keep that handle, even though I don’t use it, because why not? It’s not like I’m paying for it.
Yesterday, however, I did get an interesting tweet from someone that said, “T media have no right to protect only Muslims. Sorry to burst your pity bubble, I don’t hate u just Islam and t Koran”. I chuckled so hard. I love the little nuggets that drop into my life through the internet.
Let me clarify again, I don’t use that account, so there aren’t any tweets from me. I don’t talk about Islam or protecting Islam on there. I don’t use that account. Actually, I haven’t practiced Islam in many years, nor do I subscribe to religion, so it’s even more hilarious.
I looked up the user and she’s all about hating on immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because she feels that Muslim’s hate people, so in turn, her own bigotry is justified. Her profile details state “FGM, Islamic Schools, Muslim Grooming Gangs, Sharia, Islam, The Koran, None of these Are Respectful To Women, So Don’t Expect Me To Respect Them.” Twitter says she’s from Scotland, which is a relief. Now we know shit like this doesn’t just spew out of the cups of Tea Partiers in the US, even if it might be much more prevalent here.
If you look at her threads it’s just a bigot arguing with other bigots over twitter. It’s….it’s……beautiful. The internet, with it’s mysterious ways has connected us together so well that hate mongers have a place to express their love for each other. I was shocked that she has almost 3K followers and a whopping 15K tweets favorited out of 46K posted. I’m all for having strong opinions about topics, even if they may sound a bit crass to many, but thousands of posts dedicated to the hatred of Muslims? That’s some KKK type shit right there.
After continuing to read her thread, I noticed that she kept tweeting to @sadiq17 and I realized, that her tweet to my ghost account was probably a typo and she forgot to add a 17 at the end. I was hit with Twitter’s version of a stray bullet and I ended up being worked up for no fucking reason.
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