Zoe – A Comedian’s Breakup Song

Zoe – A Comedian’s Breakup Song

I dated a girl named Zoe. We had a relationship that was transcendent to me. Then we broke up, nonverbally. No closure. No good-bye. No too-da-loo! I wasn’t sure if I wanted to put my feelings out there, but then I thought, “When musicians have a devastating breakup,...
American Reality: Season 1, Episode 1

American Reality: Season 1, Episode 1

Whether you like it, or not, he’s going to become the President of the empire. Whether you think he’s legitimate, or not, he’s going to become the President of the world. Whether you think he is being controlled by the color red, or not, he’s going to become the...
Please Read! It’s Important!!!

Please Read! It’s Important!!!

I’ve read more books this year than I have in my whole entire life combined. I’m 34 and I’ve finished 18 books in 2016. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but growing up I HATED reading and writing. HATED. IT! I think I’ve read, maybe, mayyyyybe, 15 books for the first 33...
Lot Has Happened

Lot Has Happened

I haven’t been posting articles in the last several months. Though I’ve written pieces for many experiences that have happened in my life since July: traveling to Japan and South Korea, dating online AGAIN, extremism from the point of view of an ex-Muslim, crying for...
Excited To Make America Great Again

Excited To Make America Great Again

Bernie Sanders received more 35 and under votes than both Hillary and Trump combined. Millennials are larger and more diverse than the Baby Boomers. California, the largest state in the union, just passed Marijuana legalization. OH SHIT! Yesterday, the day after the...
How To Get A Democrat Into The White House

How To Get A Democrat Into The White House

I’m not going to continue talking about policy differences and why Hillary is no progressive. I’ve already tried that. Her supporters don’t care.Many Hillary supporters I know are very intelligent. Really! I’m not just saying that because I’m padding the blow from the...

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