by Sadiq Samani | Apr 30, 2014 | Uncategorized
This is Part 1. Followed by Part 2: The Night in Jail. Part 3: reddit Shredded.I had to go register with the US government post 9/11 along with 85K+ other Muslims.We get up in arms about a story in Donetsk, Ukraine in which Jews are persecuted and are told to register...
by Sadiq Samani | Apr 16, 2014 | Uncategorized
I have a username on Twitter which is my first name (sadiq), but I don’t access it because my official handle for all social media is @sadiqsamani (feel free to follow). However, every several months I’ll get an e-mail from Twitter that someone tweeted at the unused...
by Sadiq Samani | Apr 10, 2014 | Uncategorized
I was raised in a somewhat closed minded community. An environment in which a unique hair style or a piercing was looked at as being rebellious. As I grew older I was exposed to viewpoints outside of my community, specifically through the portal known as the Internet....
by Sadiq Samani | Apr 1, 2014 | Uncategorized
Three ladies had a look of exhaustion on their face after trekking up three flights of stairs of the New York building I was renting an apartment in. They were looking hot, with dresses fitting tight as if they were painted directly onto their skin. “One more to go”,...
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