I Do Not Condone Goat Porn

I Do Not Condone Goat Porn

While researching my website statistics on Google Analytics, I noticed that people have found me in search results by typing in “goatporn.com” as the keyword. I don’t know how this could be as I do not have anything on my site, to my knowledge, regarding goats...

After I’m American

My parents cried as we left the auditorium where I had just completed my Oath of Allegiance and received my certificate. My father, trying to hold his composure, says, “I’m just glad there’s finally an American in the family.” I’ve only...

Dos and Don’ts

My ingenious girlfriend came up with an idea last week after both of us had been complaining for months about the unhealthy choices we were making. Me with the daily mocha devised of three espresso shots, Nutella, milk and diabetes. Her with habits of binging on more...

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